As an incentive to complete this year's FCP X Survey, respondents will automatically be entered into a free prize draw to win 3x $1,500 or 10x $700 FCP X bundles.
The survey competition runs until Monday 7th August 2017.
Enter Survey
Three bundles consisting of:
Final Cut Pro X, Motion & Compressor by Apple; FXFactory Pro by FX Factory; Messages & Social Media by idustrial Revolution; Marker & EDL-X by XMiL Workflow Tools; Producer's Best Friend by Intelligent Assistance; Lumberjack System by Lumberjack System, Inc; XinTwo by FCPWORKS; Worx4 X & X2Pro Audio Convert by Marquis Broadcast
Ten bundles consisting of:
Messages & Social Media by idustrial Revolution; Marker & EDL-X by XMiL Workflow Tools; Producer's Best Friend by Intelligent Assistance; Lumberjack System by Lumberjack System, Inc; XinTwo by FCPWORKS; Worx4 X & X2Pro Audio Convert by Marquis Broadcast